St. Brigid’s Ministry at St. Martin’s
Members of St. Brigid’s Ministry at St. Martin’s provide supply baskets for new born children and their mothers at the local pregnancy center in Ocala and knit hats for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

St. Martha’s Ministry
St. Martha’s Ministry is a very special ministry within our parish providing support for our church functions, including coffee hours, Lenten meals, and other special events.

Foreign Missions in India
Our parish supports the Good Shepherd School and foster home program for unwanted children in Andraha Pradesh (Hyderabad) India.

Children’s Home Society
Our parish family works directly with the Children’s Home Society to both clothe and provide school supplies for children in the foster care system as well as providing Christmas toys.

Interfaith Emergency Services
Our parish regularly collects food products to support our local community’s interfaith efforts to feed and clothe those less fortunate within our community.

Salvation Army
Each year our small parish family works with the Salvation Army to provide Christmas bears for youngsters in our community.